How to Recognize Signs of Anemia In Children

A condition in which there are either too few red blood cells, too little hemoglobin in each red blood cell, or both. Your child will seem quite well if he is only mildly anemic. If the anemia develops slowly, the body adapts to the smaller amount of hemoglobin. This means that even severe anemia – if it is of gradual onset may cause no symptoms. What you’ll probably notice first is that the child is abnormally tired. He may be pale- the color of his lips, fingertips and insides of the eyelids are a better guide than the cheeks. He may also have a poor appetite or be irritable.


It is any parent’s most cherished moment when they can begin to play with their baby. Seeing the look of awed happiness on a baby’s face and hearing the unrestrained gurglings of laughter will make anyone smile – the innocent joy that a happy baby shows is something that is as pure as anything you can imagine.

How to create a safe sleeping environment

Putting your baby down to sleep for the night – or at least for the early part of the night, given the practical certainty that they will awake at least once during your own sleep cycle – is something that will, at least initially, be nerve -racking for any new parent.

Baby Hiccups…what really are they? what to do?

Hic..hic..hic…!Hiccups, hiccups, hiccups!!! Wow what a topic! I have had to stop a mother from pulling out her baby`s tongue and worse things all based on our beliefs handed down by our grand mothers.  Causes include eating too quickly, eating or drinking too much, diseases that irritate the nerves that control the diaphragm, abdominal surgery, strokes or brain tumors, noxious fumes, and