How to create a safe sleeping environment

Putting your baby down to sleep for the night – or at least for the early part of the night, given the practical certainty that they will awake at least once during your own sleep cycle – is something that will, at least initially, be nerve -racking for any new parent.

Many parents will keep the baby in the parental bed with them in order to keep them close by and prevent them from becoming scared. Other parents are terrified to do this for fear of rolling over and hurting the child. Either way there are concerns to bear in mind.  Having a crib for your baby is something that any parent will want to look into and do properly so as not to risk anything going wrong. The incidence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is something that has reduced greatly in the last few decades, but at one time it was a huge concern for parents worldwide. Improvements in the manufacture of bedding and the simple instruction to always put your baby on its back to sleep have led to this reduction, but most parents will still have concerns when it comes to bedtime for their child. A firm, flat surface is best for a child to sleep, so it is best not to have a pillow in their crib.

Also to be avoided in a baby’s crib are curtains with dangling cords, which present a strangling risk, and the crib should be positioned away from direct sunlight or anything that could cause over heating. Pick The Gender Of Your   Baby There is a lot of controversy in this day and age about “designer babies”, with a number of people thinking that nature should always win out.

While it is true that a good parent will love their child no matter what, there is no question that a good number of parents will have a preference for one gender or the other when it comes to having a child, especially if they already have children and want to either have a mix of boys and girls, or ... The Baby Sleep Solution Having a new baby is a gift that we are very privileged to receive. Bringing a new life into this world gives you an indescribable feeling of joy. On becoming a parent, you experience such emotions that it is easy to feel that human logic can take a hike, and yet it is always there somewhere in the background.

This is why parents will often say, when asked by a friend or family member how they feel, “Oh, I can’t complain”. They will very likely be exhausted, emotional and worried, but ... Pick Your Baby’s Gender Having a child is always a pleasure for a couple who are keen to either start or add to a family. There is nothing to beat the feeling that you experience upon the birth of a child – knowing that you have created this little life, and thinking of all the experiences you will have during your parenthood. And yet, there is always that feeling that you don’t want to admit to having, but which is entirely natural. When someone asks you whether you’d ...

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